Maryah P. Medina

Software Developer & Designer

Front side of Pix Photography business card

What Can I Do?

I can create your website whether it may be establishing its structure or bringing it to life. I can also produce stunning business cards, logos and other designs if you’d prefer. From start to finish, I follow the Software Development Life Cycle guidelines adhering to Agile Methodology. I use various design and programming apps to create my projects on macOS and Windows operating systems.

About Me

Who am i?

I am a person of many ambitions who likes a good challenge and is constantly innovating ways to help transform the lives of others. For this reason, I worked with 4 local nonprofits to provide them with the IT solutions they need. Furthermore, I dedicated my services to 3+ small and family-owned businesses delivering stunning designs at little to no cost.

From the moment I enrolled within my first internship course, I knew this was the career path for me. I have always been intrigued by how software can be utilized to solve practical problems and produce beautiful graphics. No two projects are the same, which makes programming and graphic design more fascinating. I believe by sharing the IT knowledge and design skills I have obtained, I can bridge the gap between the world and technological possibilities.

Apart from my professional career, I have also gained experience working on in-class and personal projects. I love acquiring new skills and I’m always finding ways to enrich my portfolio. Not only do I have a passion for software development and graphic design, I also find joy in writing fictional stories and baking. As of today, I am currently working on an unofficial project to redesign an old friend’s barbershop business card.


Technical: Agile & Scrum, Bootstrap, CSS, HTML, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Software Documentation, WordPress

• User Experience (User Personas & Stories, Wireframes)
• User Interface (Mock-ups, Prototypes, Style Guides)

• Adobe Creative Cloud (InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, XD)
• Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Teams, Visio, Word)
• Sketch


University of Milwaukee-Wisconsin
Bachelors in Information Science and Technology.
Cumulative 4.0 GPA. Graduated with High Honors.
Dean’s List all semesters

Milwaukee Area Technical College
Completed necessary coursework to transfer to UWM to further education.
Cumulative 4.0 GPA.
Dean’s List all semesters.

Recent Projects

Label Design

Designed a jar label in Adobe Illustrator for a family-owned business to increase their brand awareness. Created custom graphics and manipulated images in Adobe Photoshop.

Baptism Invitation Card

Created a digital invitation card in Adobe Illustrator using custom graphics. Established a fresh design layout utilizing a personalized color scheme and different font combinations.

Zafiro Publicaciones

Designed 4 book covers in Adobe InDesign establishing the cover art, typefaces, and color palette. Adhered to accessibility guidelines to ensure content is discernible and legible.

Why Choose Me?

As someone with many talents who is well-versed both in design and software development, I can make any project a reality. From working with the Adobe Creative Suite to coding with object-oriented programming languages, I can produce graphics and build websites on the platform of your choice. With 4 internships and 3+ freelancing projects under my sleeve, I have experience working in an agile environment, possess exceptional leadership skills, worked with an array of clients with different needs, and have the ability to assume various roles.

Screenshot of Jerstad-Agerholm School Elective Lane website

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