Jerstad-Agerholm School

Wix Website

Jerstad-Agerholm School



Project Description

Developed a subsidiary website in Wix for 50+ students to enroll in summer course electives using JavaScript. Conducted UX research to produce user personas and scenarios, devised the product backlog, and monitored the project’s sprint progress. Created a communication platform for teachers and students. Optimized former instructional platform by creating a course catalog and implementing a course enrollment feature.

Screenshot of Jerstad-Agerholm School Elective Lane website

UX Research

Jerstad-Agerholm School


Adobe InDesign

Project Description

Conducted UX research to create user personas and scenarios based on parents, students, and staff members involvement with the school’s summer course electives. Determined feature requirements to implement within the school’s subsidiary website in accordance to each persona’s needs.

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